What Are Toledo Bend Fishing License Requirements?

We receive lots of questions about Toledo Bend fishing licenses and regulations. Louisiana has more complicated requirements and regulations than Texas. No special license is for Toledo Bend Lake is necessary.

Do You Need A Fishing License On Toledo Bend Lake?

Yes, anyone age 17 and up needs a fishing license from either Texas or Louisiana to be able to fish anywhere on the water of Toledo Bend Lake or the Sabine River. You can fish from either shore with a license from the state you're standing in. Anyone age 16 and under does not need a license to fish either shore or anywhere on the water.

Toledo Bend Fishing License Requirements

Age Texas Waters Louisiana Waters Anywhere on the Water
0-16 No License Required No License Required No License Required
17-64 TX or LA License Required TX or LA License Required TX or LA License Required
65+ TX or LA License Required TX or LA License Required TX or LA License Required

Here is are some highlights of the regulations:

  • You must have a Louisiana fishing license to fish from the shoreline in Louisiana. You must have a Texas fishing license to fish from the shoreline in Texas.
  • If you fish from a boat on either side of Toledo Bend, you must have either a Texas or Louisiana fishing license if you are over the age of 16.
  • Toledo Bend is a freshwater lake. You must have either a Louisiana or Texas freshwater license to fish on it. A saltwater license is not legal for freshwater fishing in either state.


Texas Toledo Bend Fishing License Information

Fishing Regulations in Texas and Louisiana on Toledo Bend

Limits for catfish, crappie, white bass and black basses apply on both the Texas and Louisiana portions of the lake. Harvest regulations for some other species, including alligator gar, may differ between the two states.

Do I Need Both a Toledo Bend Fishing License and a Regular Texas Fishing License?

No you do not. Texas residents over 65 can fish anywhere in Louisiana if they have a valid senior’s fishing license. Residents under 65 can also fish in Louisiana, but only in waters spanning the state border. There’s no need to buy a LA fishing license so long as you’re casting a line in one of the lakes, rivers, or reservoirs shared between both states.

Texas Fishing License Information

A valid fishing license with a freshwater or saltwater endorsement is required to take fish, mussels, clams, crayfish or other aquatic life in the public waters of Texas.

A fishing license is not required if fishing from the bank in a state park or in waters completely enclosed by a state park.

A sport fishing license is required for any person 17 years of age and older.

It is illegal to transport live, nongame fishes taken from Toledo Bend Lake.

Although it is legal to place an identification tag (use caution as tags can damage fish) on the exterior of a fish and release it back into public waters, it is unlawful to release a fish with a device or substance implanted or attached to produce an audible, visual, or electronic signal used to monitor, track, follow, or in any manner aid in locating it.

It is illegal to leave edible fish or bait fish taken from the public waters of the state to die without the intent to retain the fish for consumption or bait.

Texas Fishing Licenses


A license is not required  for anglers under the age of 17, persons born before January 1, 1931, and persons with mental disabilities who participate as part of medically approved therapy.


A license is not required for children under 17 and for residents of the states and are legal for people 65 or older who are licensed in their state.

Texas Disabled Veteran Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package

Disabled Veterans need to submit official proof of disability issued by the Veteran’s Administration. The Veteran’s Administration allows disabled veterans to apply if their disability “consists of the loss of the use of a foot or leg, or a disability rating of 50% or more, and are receiving compensation from the U.S. for the disability. Only veterans can get a discounted license due to disability. There are no provisions for disabled citizens.

Senior Fishing License

Texas considers anybody age 65 and older a senior. If you were born before January 1, 1931, you don't need a license at all to fish in Texas. You need a valid Texas fishing license to fish off a dock or shore unless you're fishing in one of the Texas State Parks,

Resident Fishing License

To qualify for a resident fishing license, you need to have been living in Texas for the last six months. There are several documents that you can use to prove this, including a tax statement, utility bill, paycheck, and driver's license.

Fishing License Age Requirements for Texas Residents on Toledo Bend

Texas resident fishermen must have either a

1-day Freshwater fishing license $11.00


Annual Freshwater Fishing License $30.00

Texas Fishing License Types

Residents 17-64 years

Fishing package for 1 day in all waters $ 11

General hunting $ 25

Freshwater Fishing Package $ 30

Saltwater Fishing Package $ 35

All waters fishing package $ 40

Fishing in all waters 1 year after purchase $ 47

Freshwater hunting and fishing combo $ 50

Saltwater Hunting and Fishing Combo $ 55

Hunting and fishing combo in all waters $ 60

Super Combo Pack $ 68

Residents and non-residents under 17 years of age

Headband for exempted fishermen $ 3

Hunting for youth $ 7

Residents 17-64 years

Fishing for a day in all waters $ 16

5-day "special" hunt (small animals) $ 48

Freshwater Fishing Package $ 58

Saltwater Fishing Package $ 63

Fishing package in all waters $ 68

Residents 65+

Freshwater Fishing Package $ 12

Freshwater hunting and fishing combo $ 16

Saltwater Fishing Package $ 17

Saltwater Hunting and Fishing Combo $ 21

All-water fishing package $ 22

Hunting and Fishing Combo in All Waters $ 26

"Super Combo" Pack $ 32

Endorsements (not required for people under the age of 17)

Freshwater Fishing Endorsement $ 5

Endorsement to hunt with bow and arrow $ 7

Endorsement to hunt migratory birds $ 7

Endorsement to hunt highland birds $ 7

Saltwater Fishing Endorsement

Texas Bag Limits

The following regulation applies to the Texas waters of Toledo Bend: it is unlawful to transport live, nongame fishes from these waters to any other water body. Nongame fishes may be collected and used for bait in the same water body where they were caught. For more details, see Possession and Transport of Exotic Aquatic Species.

It is unlawful to transport live, non-game fishes from this water body to any other water body. Nongame fishes may be collected and used for bait within the same water body.

Black bass

For largemouth bass, length limit is a 14-18” slot. No minimum length on spotted bass. Daily bag for all black bass species = 8 fish in any combination, of which no more than 4 may be largemouth bass 18 inches or longer. Possession limit = 10.

White, striped and yellow bass

For striped and hybrid striped bass, minimum length limit = 18 inches and daily bag limit = 5 in any combination. For white bass, no minimum length limit and daily bag = 25. There are no bag or size limits for yellow bass.


There is no minimum length limit or daily bag limit for common carp.


For flathead catfish, minimum length=18 inches; daily bag and possession limit = 10 fish.

For blue and channel catfish, no minimum length; daily bag and possession limit = 50 in combination, of which no more than 5 may be 30 inches or longer.


For black and white crappie there is no MLL and daily bag = 25 crappie in combination.


For alligator gar, daily bag limit is 1 fish of any size. No bag limits on other species of gar.

Mandatory Harvest Reporting - All alligator gar harvested from the public waters of the state other than Falcon International Reservoir must be reported within 24 hours to the department via mobile app or online. Report your harvest with "My Texas Hunt Harvest" app.Certain areas may be temporarily closed to alligator gar fishing when optimum spawning conditions occur.


There is no minimum length or daily bag limit on bluegill, redear, warmouth or other species of sunfish.

Louisiana Toledo Bend Information

General Information for Fishing in Louisiana

Sale of Recreational Fish Is Prohibited

All aquatic species caught must be for personal use only and are not to be sold or used for commercial purposes.

It is illegal to buy, sell or trade any game fish.

Louisiana Fishing Regulations on Toledo Bend

Buy a recreational Louisiana fishing license online from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries or by telephone. An authorization number is issued at the time of purchase, so you can start fishing right away.

Fishing license fees contribute to conservation programs such as habitat protection and fishery management.

Licenses are available to purchase on June 1 and expire annually on June 30 of the following year.

Louisiana Fishing License Requirements

A Basic Fishing License is  required to use the following gear:

Bow and arrow

Barbed or barbless spear

Frog gig/catcher

Scuba gear

Hook and Line

Cast net (radius not to exceed 8 feet, 6 inches)

All applicable licenses must be in possession of the fisherman.

Louisiana Fishing License Types

License / Permit Type Resident Fee /Nonresident Fee

Hook and Line (cane pole)1 $2.50

Basic Fishing $9.50 $60

Saltwater (Basic Fishing License required) $13 $30

Nonresident Basic Trip (1 day) $5

Nonresident Saltwater Trip (1 day) $17.50

Nonresident Saltwater Season (Basic Fishing License required) $30

Senior Hunting/Fishing2 $5

Louisiana Sportman's Paradise3 $100

Charter Passenger4 (3 day) $10 $10

Charter Skiff5 (3 day) $30

1. Allows license holder to fish with a cane pole. No other license is required.

2. Any resident who turned 60 years old on or after June 1, 2000, must obtain a Senior Hunting/Fishing License to hunt or fish. This license is in lieu of Basic and Saltwater fishing licenses; Basic, Big Game, Bow, and Primitive Firearms hunting licenses; Louisiana Waterfowl and Turkey Stamps; and the WMA Hunting Permit. This license does not include special gear such as trawls, crab traps, crawfish traps, hoop nets, etc.

3. Louisiana Sportsman’s Paradise License includes Basic and Saltwater fishing Licenses; Basic, Big Game, Bow, and Primitive Firearms hunting licenses; Louisiana Waterfowl and Turkey stamps, the WMA Hunting Permit; and all recreational gear licenses except for recreational trawls longer than 16 feet.

4. Valid to fish from a charter vessel in saltwater areas of the state, with a licensed guide on board at all times. This license is in lieu of Basic and Saltwater fishing licenses and is valid for three consecutive days. You must provide the charter guide’s license number or mothership license when you purchase a Charter Passenger License.

5. Valid for nonresidents to fish under the direction of a charter operation in a licensed charter skiff in saltwater areas of the state. This license is in lieu of Basic and Saltwater fishing licenses and is valid for three consecutive days.

Non-resident fishermen must have either a

1-day Non-resident Freshwater Fishing License $16.00


Annual Non-resident Freshwater fishing License $58.00.

Toledo Bend Fishing License Age Requirements for Louisiana Residents

If you’re age 16 or older, you must have a Basic Fishing License to fish recreationally in Louisiana waters. If you’re fishing south of the saltwater line*, you must also have a Saltwater License. Please note that if you’re fishing with a cane pole, you just need a Hook and Line License; no other license is required.

Louisiana Recreational Fishing Fees Resident Non-Resident

Basic Fishing Season $9.50 $60.00

Saltwater License (Basic Fishing required) $13.00 $30.00

Basic Fish Trip – 1 day $5.00

Saltwater Trip – 1 day $17.50

Hook and Line (cane pole) $2.50

Charter Passenger License (3-day)1 $10.00 $10.00

Charter Skiff (3-day)2 $30.00

LA Sportsman’s Paradise License3 $100.00

Senior Fish/Hunt4 $5.00

Non-Resident Student Basic Fishing5 $9.50

NR Student Saltwater Fishing5

(Basic Fishing required) $5.50

Resident Disabled Basic Fishing6 $2.50

Resident Disabled Saltwater6 $2.50

Offshore Landing Permit7 Free Free


Active Military Basic Fishing $9.50 $9.50

Active Military Saltwater $5.50 $5.50

Resident LA National Guard Fish/Hunt $50.00

Resident/Native Retired Military Hunt/Fish $5.00

Resident Surviving Spouse Killed in Action Fish $2.50

Fishing Gear

Crab Traps (limit 10) $15.00 $60.00

Slat Traps (limit 5) $20.00 $80.00

Trawls – up to 16 feet $25.00 $100.00

Trawls – 16 feet to 25 feet $80.00 $320.00

Oyster Tong (per tong) $5.00 $20.00

Crawfish Traps (limit 35) $15.00 $60.00

Pipes/Drums (limit 5) $10.00 $40.00

Cans/Buckets (limit 5) $10.00 $40.00

Wire Nets (limit 5)8 $20.00 $80.00

Hoop Nets (limit 5)8 $20.00 $80.00

1. Valid to fish from a charter vessel in saltwater areas of the state, with a licensed guide on board at all times.

2. Valid to fish under the direction of a charter operation in a licensed charter skiff in saltwater areas of the state.

3. Sportsman’s Paradise License: Includes Basic and Saltwater Fishing, Basic and Big Game Hunting, Bow, Primitive Firearms, Turkey, LA Duck and WMA Hunting Permit, and all recreational gear licenses (EXCEPT recreational trawls greater than 16 feet in length).

4. Senior Fish/Hunt License: Any resident who reached age 60 on June 1, 2000 or later must obtain a Senior Hunt/Fish License to hunt or fish. This license is in lieu of basic and saltwater fishing, basic hunting, big game, bow, primitive firearms, LA duck license, turkey stamp and WMA hunting permit. It does not include special gear such as trawls, crab traps, crawfish traps, hoop nets, etc.

5. NR Student: Applies to a nonresident who is enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited college, university or high school that has a physical campus in Louisiana. Verification of full-time status on the Department form available at www.wlf.la.gov/licenses. Any person fishing under a “student license” must carry valid student I.D. card indicating current full time status while hunting or fishing.

6. LA Disabled Fishing and Saltwater

7. Recreational Offshore Landing Permit (ROLP).

8. Recreational wire and hoop nets shall be used only in the geographical areas of the state designated as freshwater

Louisiana Lifetime Fishing License Type with Ages

Resident Lifetime Hunting/Fishing (age 0-4) $200

Resident Lifetime Fishing (age 5-13) $200

Resident Lifetime Fishing (age 14 and up) $300

Resident Lifetime Hunting/Fishing (age 5-13) $300

Resident Lifetime Hunting/Fishing (age 14 and up) $500

Resident Lifetime Senior Hunting/Fishing (60 and older) $50

Nonresident Lifetime Hunting/Fishing $3,000

Nonresident Lifetime Native Disabled Veterans Hunting/Fishing $300

If you are fishing with a cane pole, you just need a Hook and Line License

You are not required to have Basic or Saltwater Louisisana Fishing licenses if you are:

A resident or nonresident under age 16 (i.e. age 15 and under)

A resident born before June 1, 1940, who has lived in Louisiana for 6 months.

But you must still have proof of age in your possession whenever fishing. In addition, residents born before June 1, 1940, must have appropriate gear licenses when using any legal fishing gear.

Copy of driver’s license, notarized copy of birth certificate, and Disabled Veterans Hunting and Fishing License Application must accompany application.

Louisiana Recreational Fishing Gear Lifetime Licenses

Lifetime Recreational Fishing Gear 10 times annual fee per gear type

Resident Lifetime Crawfish Traps $150.00

Resident Lifetime Crab Trap $100.00

Resident Lifetime Slat Trap $200.00

Resident Lifetime Trawl (16ft. and under $250.00

Resident Lifetime Trawl (16ft-25ft) $800.00

Resident Lifetime Oyster $50.00

Resident Lifetime Wire $200.00

Resident Lifetime Pipes/Drums $100.00

Resident Lifetime Cans/Buckets $100.00

Resident Lifetime Hoop Nets  $200.00

Nonresident Lifetime Native Disabled Veteran $300.00

Mobility Impaired Individuals

As defined in R.S. 47:463.4(E), mobility impaired persons who are bona fide residents of Louisiana, in possession of valid identification, and over 60 years of age may use one legal slat trap and/or one hoop net not greater than 18 feet by 8 feet, where those gear are legal, without a license, only for the purpose of catching catfish and only for home consumption.

Louisiana Bag Limits, Gear Limits, and Prohibitions on Toledo Bend

Toledo Bend Regulations For Yo Yos And Trotlines

You must tag trotlines with your name, address, phone number and the date you placed the line. You must mark each end of the line with a visible floating object. You must attach an 8-foot cotton leader on each end to ensure that if the trotline is left unattended, the leader will deteriorate and the line will sink. You may set no more than three trotlines with no more than 50 hooks per line and must attend them daily.

You may not use more than 50 yo-yos or trigger devices. You must clearly tag each device with your name, address and phone number. You may not attach them to a metallic object or anchor them with any artificial object. You may only anchor them to an existing pier, boathouse, seawall or dock – you may not use any object such as rebar, cane, PVC tubing, construction material, or any other material to anchor a yo-yo or trigger device to a water bottom, stump, tree or shoreline. You must rebait each yo-yo or trigger device at least once every 24 hours. You must immediately remove all fish or any other animals caught or hooked on the device.

No person who is a nonresident shall set in the water or leave a yo-yo or trigger device at any time in Toledo Bend.


You CANNOT use fish seines, gill nets or trammel nets on Toledo Bend.

Freshwater Species You CANNOT Harvest

The federally listed threatened and endangered, or prohibited species listed below are off limits for recreational take. Civil and criminal penalties may apply for taking the following aquatic species.

Louisiana pearlshell mussel (Margaritifera hembeli)

Inflated heelsplitter mussel (Potamilus inflatus)

Fat pocketbook mussel (Potamilus capax)

Pink mucket mussel (Lampsilis abrupta)

Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi)

Pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus)

Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus)

Rabbitsfoot Mussel (Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica)

Bream may not be taken as bait for sportfishing purposes in any form of trap where a minnow trap not exceeding 24 inches in length and having a throat no larger than 1 inch by 3 inches may be used to take bream for non-commercial bait purposes.

Illegal Methods for Fishing or Taking of All Fish

It is unlawful to possess any of the prohibited instruments, weapons, substances or devices described below with the intent to take fish.




Stupefying Substances or Devices



Any instrument or device capable of producing electric current to shock fish

Snagging Devices (see catfish, silver carp, and big head carp exceptions listed below)

You may not use any aircraft including fixed-wing, dirigibles, balloons, helicopters, or any other form of aerial surveillance to assist in harvesting finfish, except menhaden and herring-like fish.

Illegal Methods for Fishing or taking All Fish in Louisiana

It is unlawful to possess any of the prohibited instruments, weapons, substances or devices described below with the intent to take fish. There are exceptions listed with individual species that are listed below this section.



Spears (see garfish, silver carp and bighead carp exception listed in “Gear Restrictions by Species” section)

Stupefying Substances or Devices



Any instrument or device capable of producing electric current to shock fish

Snagging Devices

You may not use any aircraft including fixed-wing, dirigibles, balloons, helicopters, or any other form of aerial surveillance to assist in harvesting finfish, except menhaden and herring-like fish.

Legal Methods for Fishing or Taking of All Fish

Hook and Line

Bow and Arrow

Yo-yos or Trigger Devices

Recreational Slat Traps

Recreational Crawfish Traps (must be marked with a waterproof tag, provided by the fisherman, with the name and recreational gear license number of the fisherman legibly printed on the tag, and must have a minimum mesh size of a hexagon of 3/4 by 11/16 of 1 inch from wire to wire not including any coating on the wire)

Standard Spearing Equipment (used by recreational skin divers submerged in water when sport fishing)

Barbed Gig (allowed in saltwater for taking flounder ONLY)

Recreational Hoop Nets*

Recreational Wire Nets*

* Allowed only in the geographical areas of the state designated as Freshwater (see map and definition on General Information).

Toledo Bend Legal Game Fish

Largemouth Bass: Length restriction, 14-18”, Limit: 8 daily, protected. No more than four Largemouth Bass over 18” total length. Fish falling within a protected slot limit must be immediately released.

Spotted Bass: No length restriction. Limit:

Striped or Hybrid Striped Bass (or any combination thereof): No size limit. Bag limit: 5 daily. No more than two over 30” total length

White Bass: No size limit. Bag limit: 25 daily

Yellow Bass: No size of bag limit.

Bowfin (Choupique): Length limit: 16”. No bag limit.

Buffalo Fish, or their hybrids: Length limit: 16” Bag limit: 25 daily.

25 daily

Blue & Channel Catfish: No size limit. Bag limit: 50 daily in the aggregate No more than five over 30” total length. Method: Legal – snagging devices

Flathead Catfish: Length limit: 18”. Bag limit: 10 daily.

Crappie: No size limit. Bag limit: 50 daily; 100 fish possession limit.

Crawfish: No size limit. Bag limit 150 daily.

Paddlefish: No legal harvest or possession with boundary waters with Texas

Garfish: Legal —spears, bows and arrows

Toledo Bend Legal Bait Species

Minnows, crawfish, and shrimp are legal for bait, and this rule does not include game fish.

Bream (Bluegill): No size of bag limit. A minnow trap not exceeding 24 inches in length and having a throat no larger than one inch by three inches may be used to take bream for non-commercial bait purposes.

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Toledo Bend Lake Current Weather Alerts

There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.


Toledo Bend Lake Weather Forecast



Hi: 82

Tuesday Night

Mostly Clear

Lo: 60


Partly Sunny

Hi: 78

Wednesday Night

Mostly Cloudy

Lo: 59


Mostly Cloudy

Hi: 75

Thursday Night

Chance Rain Showers

Lo: 64


Rain Showers Likely

Hi: 71

Friday Night

Chance Thunderstorms

Lo: 64

Toledo Bend Lake Water Level (last 30 days)

Water Level on 3/25: 170.21 (-1.79)

Toledo Bend Lake

Fishing Report from TPWD (Mar. 19)

SLOW. Water stained; 60 degrees; 1.24 feet below pool. Bass are good with many fish in 1-6 feet of water biting senkos, wacky worms and Texas rigged lizards.

More Fishing Reports